This website is a self indulgent series of pages and images dedicated to my own interests and probably terribly OOC daydream fanfics. I am literally just trying to live my best life while also acknowledging that my interest in certain fandoms is several parts self indulgent drivel and are things that only matter to me. Yes, I acknowledge that while I love canon, I am more than willing to ignore any and all things to construst my own reality within the same setting. I will not apologize for who I am at this point, I am deeply flawed in the worst way possible, etc. etc.

Either way, this website only exists for me to create things for myself because I have issues with craving validation that was made worse by social media as a whole and I am honestly in my selfish era where I deny wanting an audience because it's too stressful for me. Rather than audience, I would rather have like minded people who just kinda fuck with the nonsense I put out and won't try to dictate to me how to live my life and that I'm being disrespectful to canon and a bunch of other ridiculous statements that have less to do with me and more to do with their own relationship with canon.

I'm just a goofy bitch, trying to have fun.

Nothing I do should actually have an effect on you because I'm literally just having fun on the internet while the world around me catchs fire in the worst way possible. Life is hard and my brain is trying to keep me from having a massive breakdown at any given time.

RIP to anyone who wants to judge me, we all have bad mental health here, big homie.

Thanks for checking out this website, Welcome to my Universe. Enjoy your stay.