Hi, hello this website is operated by a 25 year old Black person just wanting to carve a niche out for themseleves on the internet. I kinda got feed up with feeling like I have to perform like a circus monkey and stressing myself out (I understand that art needs an audience, but the question is am I even an artist at this point???)

That realization aside, I realized a lot of things about myself these upcoming years and have decided that having my own website would help me more than hurt me at this point.

Please understand that I am terrible at coding (amongst other things) so my site will almost always be composed a variety of templates (with an attempt to make edits here and there)

Hopefully this thing will give me the peace of mind that I need going forward also for fun and to stop pressuring myself with unneeded obligations because there is no audience, only me and my selfish desire to make something for myself that I actually like looking at and exploring.

All that aside, welcome to the Dremie Universe, hopefully you'll enjoy your stay here! ○( ^皿^)っ Hehehe…