I really do love this man, in a way that feels embarrassing for me to be so giddy over him. He's just so silly to me in a way that makes me happy. It's a weird reality to live in for me since I usually don't acknowledge my romantic feelings, but something about this man caught me off guard and I fell in love with him.

I mean, look at him, I was destined to lose this fight honestly...

Besides how happy he looks in this picture, he's actually struggling mentally which honestly? Same. Uramichi Omota is a 31 year old former gymnast who currently works as Together With Maman's Gymnast Oniisan. He tries to remain upbeat for the kids, but oftentimes his mask slips and he says things like this:

He's very sweet, I promise. He just works with children on tv and they are like brutalist sponges honestly. I take it as a sign of trust that they both roast him and feel comfortable enough to ask him questions. Children are kinda weird like that and even when they roast him, he never gets angry at them.

I really love him, I can't explain it! He's silly in the way that makes me silly, I want to stand next to while he smokes on the veranda, and I want to learn how to cook nice filling meals for him to eat when he gets back from work and looks burn out. I want to cuddle with him and hold his hand and question why a 31 year old man things ASMR is a type of drug (this is a fully canon event btw!):

That is my man, there he goes. I love him so dearly, but when he's stupid, it is downright concerning.

Either way, I want him to happy and content with his life, I wanna see him smile and be geninuely happy in a variety of ways. So is the way of falling in love with someone who you share a weirdly similar mindset as.